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28th March 2018 - map update
1 New mapping material from the Library of Congress.

1. Rather detailed German military brochures grouped under the "H.Dv.g 40" (Heeres-Druckvorschriften, geheim), and a full title of "Mil-geo Einzelangaben für die Trupperführung zum Einheitsblatt...". The publications contain military and geographic description of terrain for each of the German, joint edition, 1:100,000 maps, called "Einheitsblatt" (or "Grossblatt") for the purpose of "troop-leading". Each booklet also includes a set of 1 - 3 maps. The main sheet is the "enhanced" edition of the Einheitsblatt, accompanied by other maps, usually printed on the reverse. They provide an overview of local power grid, gas, soil types, telecom networks and town plans, often simplified).
We managed to scan several dozen maps and some 12 publications, most of which cover the area of what was, prior to WW2, eastern provinces of 3rd Reich, and what is now western Poland. Because processing multi-scan publications takes much longer than maps, we have made available, for now, all map sheets (other maps for the given sheets are available as their attachments). We have also processed, as a pdf file (75 Mb), a sample mil-geo description of sheet 30a (Einheitsblatt 30a, H.Dv.g 40/30a) from the area of (pre-WW2) "Ostpreussen" i.e.Rastenburg - Lötzen - Arys, currently Kętrzyn - Giżycko - Orzysz. By the next few months we will have processed publications for the Einheitsblatt sheet No 53, 54, 55, 66, 67, 71, 78, 79, 142, 149 and 156. Mil-geo description of other sheets, made available today, can be expected no sooner than next year.

2. Also, from the collection of the Library of Congress, several town plans, unfortunately, some are photostat copies, so quality isn't brilliant, but as they cover smaller towns, they provide useful information.

3. We have added one Soviet town plan of Kiev, courtesy of Mr Ryszard Hubisz. Although it is called "schematic" (simplified), it is, in fact, a well-drawn and reasonably detailed plan, in Ukrainian, made around 1935. Its reliability (accuracy) can be verified against German, WW2 town plans of Kiev from 1941 and 1943 available here.
15th March 2018 - map update
15.03.2018_update In another round of (spring) cleaning, we have added over 300 maps coming from various university collections, Library of Congress, as well as our own. Majority of scans show small and mid-scale maps which often cover vast areas. Please note: as the original maps are usually very large sheets of paper, 400 and 600 dpi jpg scans often reach and exceed 100 Mb. Therefore, it is not recommended to try to open files in web browsers, as they are not optimized to handle high-resolution, large files, and often come up with a message that this or that image can not be opened, as it "contains errors". This is  usually not the case; we recommend that you download the files (right-click with the mouse and "Save as..."), and open them with your preferred graphics software (irfanview, photoshop, windows photo viewer, etc.)
Also, an update that was missed previously, in January, we added a smaller map series:
Another update can be expected in about one week.
31st December 2017 - Old / New Year map update
1 Courtesy of the Bell State University library, we have been able to add some 40 town plans of France (mainly by OSS) to our collection of AMS and GSGS town plans of France.
From our own collection and that of the Department of Geography, University of Łódź, Poland, a few dozen small-scale (German) maps of Europe and Middle East. PLEASE NOTE! As the original maps are often very large sheets of paper, scans can easily reach. 100 Mb, even in jpg format.
Also from our own collection, there are approx. 40 editions of a German 1:500,000 map (Vogels Karte von Mitteleuropa).

Work on the updated translation of "Literature" page is in progress and we still expect to finish by end of this year!

Next update can be expected next year (in a few days)
27th December 2017 - literature update
New literature in Polish, German and English is available, but it will take some time to translate explanatory notes into English. Hence, as a temporary measure, new literature can be accessed via the Polish-language page. All new files are marked in red. Please note the pdf files can, and do - in some cases - exceed 100 Mb. We expect to make the updated EN literature page available by the end of this year.
28th November 2017 - map update
A new batch of maps from the Library of Congress:
- some 10 sheets of a German 1:25,000 map, "Dubyssaabschnitt" (Lithuania) from 1941 (sheets based on earlier, Russian maps)
- several sheets of a Russian 1:21,000 map (so-called "half-verst map)
- approx. 30 sheets of a Soviet Red Army map, scale 1:25,000, dated 1939, which streched north-south to cover Lithuania and eastern Poland. The maps are re-scaled, Russian editions from the turn of 19th and 20th century. Please note that we do not expect any new sheets from this series earlier than, possibly by end of next year.
16th November 2017 - map update
1 New maps from the collection of the Library of Congress:  approx. 700 sheets of the WIG 1:25,000 map, provisional edition. Current coverage of this map series (both Polish and WW2 German editions) can be seen on the index sheet. Please note that the sheets are reprints of earlier maps (Russian and Austro-Hungarian), often re-scaled, so they show the situation before WW1 or even from the turn of 19th century - NOT, as suggested by their print date - from 1930s.
29th October 2017 - map update
1 With kind permission from Mr Jean-Luc Arnaud who runs a digital mapping project "CartoMundi", we have received sheets to complement a few series of German Volkstumskarte von Slowakien & Jugoslawien, byPublikationstelle Wien, from older, Austro-Hungarian 1:200,000 edition (information about the map-maper, Wilfried Krallert, can be found in a Wikipedia article, in German).

There's also a number of maps from Europe which come from our own collections:
- German maps of Norway, 1:100,000 (1940 - 1945)
- German Umgebungskarten von Oslo and Trondheim, 1:25,000
- GSGS 4490 - a set of 4 British maps of Trondheim and vicinity, 1:25,000
- a few German maps of Iceland, 1:100,000
- a few German 1:100,000 maps of Italy - individual and joint sheets
- several American (AMS) road maps of Italy (1943-1944), 1:200,000
- kilkanaście arkuszy niemieckiej mapy Grecji w skali 1:100 tys.
- approx. 40 British maps of Istanbul and vicinity dated 1944, based on a Turkish map from approx. 1915
- a few Allied, small-scale maps of Germany (heavy industry, occupation zones, displaced persons)

Please note: you should find scanned original index sheets (German, Allied, etc.) under the mapster index sheets and map lists for large map series in mapster. This should help navigating and establishing full extent of a given map series.
2nd October 2017 - map update
nowe After a few days' interruption to the service, courtesy of our hosting provider, there are new updates to share: over the last couple of weeks we have added several dozen maps, mainly German 1:25,000 Topographische Karte (Messtischblatt), also some German 1:25,000 maps based on Polish, pre-WW2 maps by WIG, as well as a few dozen town plans (maps and plans come from both institutions and private collection). There is also a selection of new publications in the "literature" section.
While unrelated to Eastern Europe, but possibly helpful for people interested in the WW2 "western" front, there is a new set of nearly 300 town plans of Italy dated 1932 - 1944, in the following series GSGS 4378 Sardinia, GSGS 4379 Sicily and GSGS 4380 Italy, as well as several plans of Gibraltar. There are also approx. 40 AMS and GSGS town plans of France (GSGS 4234) and a similar number of sheets of a US 1:25,000 map of Yugoslavia, dated 1944/45.

11th September 2017 - WIG map update
From the map collection of the Library of Congress, we have added approx. 800 sheets of the Polish WIG 1:100,000 'tactical map". Most sheets fill in gaps and provide alternative editions to the regular-format maps. Majority is from the regular series", others, were drawn along different (Russian) sheet lines, showing the areas in the East). Several German re-prints dated 1939 and 1940 are interesting as they vary from the regular German re-prints of this map type available widely in Poland and elsewhere.
8th September 2017 - map udate
After the summer break, there are more maps from the Library od Congress: around 50 - 60 sheeets of a more obscure 1944 German 1:50,000 map called "1:50 000 Deutches Reich (Gen. Gouv.)". Small sheets cover the area of central Poland, while the large ones (of which we only have one), are scattered across the territory of Belarus (Polesia) and western Ukraine. Please note, directly below the mapster index sheet and list of available sheets there are post-WW2 American and British index sheet indicating available maps of this type. Well, at least available around 1954...

Another map update can be expected in a few days.
13th July 2017 - new 1:25,000 maps
From the collection of the Library of Congress, Washington, we have added approx. 800 sheets of the Polish 1:25,000 map by W.I.G. As the maps are of a "provisional" type, based on earlier Russian ones, they are not as detailed as the scale might suggest, and what they show is actually dated to the turn of 19th and 20th century (in some cases, they might be copies of German WW1 maps based on earlier Russian sources).
Batch No 2 of the provisional edition, covering southern Poland, will be made available in the autumn. In the meantime, we can expect at least one more update of other map types.


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04/30/2024 17:10
I have tried to update my email - hope it works

04/30/2024 17:02
Any reason I can't get the Polish maps 1:100,000 for Miory, Dryswiaty etc? I get the 404 error instead. Frown

08/02/2023 00:50
Glad to see you back, Marek!

08/25/2022 15:09
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error) If you think what you'r

01/22/2022 22:50
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola

03/21/2020 14:55
What's up, Marek? What are you working on? Hope all is OK.

01/26/2019 14:42
Hi: Are there any other maps showing parishes such as: Andrzej Tomczak Siec parafialna Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego W drugiej polowie xvi wieku Skala 1:300. Thanks

12/04/2017 15:22
peut-on obtenir la carte détaillée de la frontière Est suite au traité de Brest-litovsk ? merci d'avance

09/10/2017 04:54
Can I get some guidance on the projection that WIG cartographers used on the 1 to 100,000 maps?

04/02/2017 23:15