01/21/2025 00:25
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24th February 2022 - an update
pl For a change, some 'literature' (overdue) - which today relates, somewhat, to the current grim developments, that is, the Russian invasion of Ukraine: the 'literature' here is two folders of the German, WW2 documents, which we received from Peter K. Clark, who passed away recently. The materials, marked as „Geheim!”, were prepared by the German engineering unit, Wehrgeologenstelle 16, and describe terrain and cross-country conditions alongside the rivers of Dniepr and Bug. It was the line, behind the German armies retreated in 1943/44.
Folders are available as pdfs. Because some maps are very large, the longest is over 2 m. long, and scanned at 600 dpi, the larger of the two pdf files is over 800 Mb. Therefore it takes patience to download, open and zoom in to see map details in those pdf files. For your convenience, the files are also available in smaller, more compact version, at 150 Mb and 80 Mb accordingly. Naturally, to read the manuscripts, you need to understand German. Page numbering is often dual and often contradictory, some pages might be missing, but all available ones have been scanned in the order they appear in the folders.
The files can be downloaded from the „Literature” page (approx. 3/4 down the page), where we have also included some sections of the British assessment inside the folders.
Also, several 1:50,000 maps and one 1:100 000 map have also been made available via Mapster index sheets.

22nd January 2022 - map update
1 We have added approx. 940 sheets of the Soviet, post-WW2, 1:25,000 map from Lithuania (600dpi). Because mapster index sheet for 1:25, 000 maps of this type is, for rather obvious reasons, very extensive, it can take quite a long time to open - it appears that Opera and Edge take less time than Firefox. The maps are also available via a less computer-intensive list and they will show up on a map list in mapster search. Where possible, we tried to provide alternative (Polish, German, Latvian and Lithuanian) place-names, however errors can occur, as there are several different place-names with identical name in one language, but different variants in other languages.

A little side note: to search historical maps in mapster by their geographical coordinates (when no larger village is found nearby), you can use a 'hack', i.e. an unofficial mapster search feature. First, you need to find the coordinates of a place, eg. via google maps. When you click anywhere on the map (left-click), a small window pops up at the bottom of the screen. When you click on that windo, the coordinates show up on the left hand side, usually under a photo of the location, if one is available. You should copy the coordinates (CTRL + C) which are presented in UTM format, and they look like the example below:
53.951819, 23.519671
Copy 1st part above, before the comma, i.e. 53.951819,  using (CTRL + C) and then paste it (CTRL + V) into the link below:
- you should replace only XXX (be careful not to copy or delete any characters before or after XXX).
Copy 2nd part above, after the comma, i.e. 23.519671, using (CTRL + C) and then paste (CTRL A+ V) to the very same link, by replacing only YYY.
When the link is complete, mark it with a mouse cursor and copy the whole link przygotowany (CTRL + C) and paste it (CTRL + V) into the main search (web address) window of your web browser (firefod, edge, chrome, opera, etc.)
- when you do that, don't forget the 'enter' command, which is the 'Return' key on the right side of the keyboard (the one with an arrow pointing down and right).

That's it! Simple, isn't it? ;)
26th December 2021 - Christmas update

We would like to wish you all quiet and peaceful Christmas (and let's hope the new year is no worse than 2021 ;) There are a few presents on account of this; several town plans from the collection of digital arm of the National Library of Poland:
Chełm, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Cieplice-Śląskie Zdrój (Bad Warmbrunn), Tarnowskie Góry (Tarnowitz), Gdańsk (Danzig) (and... one more Gdańsk), Malbork (Marienburg), Gorzów Wielkopolski (Landsberg a.d. Warthe), Nowy Sącz, Kraków, Głębokie (Глыбокае), Świnoujście (Swinemünde) and four sheets of Брэст (Brześć, Brest-Litovsk).

We will, gradually make available all other plans form the polona project. It will take time as each plan has to be processed and metadata, even basic, manually entered. There are a good few thousands of such plans so... please bear with us. In the meantime, we are updating some index sheets to add those odd sheets that have, until know, spilled over index sheet edge.

And, for now at least, just one map from a set of documents, which comes from Peter Clark and which we plan to make available in full early next year. And a passing comment: 77 years have passed since its publication yet it appears that, suddenly, the map is becoming very relevant to the current political developments...

14th December 2021 - an update
1 We have received information that Peter K. Clark (‘PKC’), who's been a good friend and supported us for many years, has passed away at the age of 95. It's difficult to express, in a few words, his immense contribution to our project; the shortest way to put it is this: he's not only shared his own cartographic collections and snippets of knowledge difficult to find in literature, but on many occasions he tipped us about sources of material and contacts in institutions, which we had not previously considered at all, or which would have been difficult or impossible to access without his personal recommendation. Incidentally, in January 2022 we will try to make available some very interesting cartographic material that Peter shared with us this summer.

We also have some new materials:
19th November 2021 - map update
1 From the collection of Mr Piotr Kamiński, we have added approx. 50 editions of the German, 1:100,000 joint edition (Grossblatt) maps, and from the Library of Congress, approx. 250 sheets of the Soviet 1:42,000 (one-verst) map from the Caucasus area, which we, er... overlooked in 2019.
10th November 2021 - website access
After about 2 weeks, problems have been fixed and the main map site (igrek.amzp.pl) is up and operational again.
14th September 2021 - map update
en It appears the English version of mapywig has been lagging behind the PL counterpart, so it's time for a rollover of updates:
Please do not assume that the date of print closely relates to what the real situation is for that year - some of the plans are drawn from editions that were produed, in some cases, several years earlier!

Other town plans:
Courtesy of the National Library of Australia:
Other maps:
  • approx. 300, post-WW2 Soviet 1:25,000 topo maps of Poland, mainly the coast, Polish-German border, and the south-west. Please note! - the index sheet for those maps is very extensive, as was the scope of interest of the Soviet Army. Consequently, the index sheet loads long, and slow. It is somewhat faster to access the sheets via the list. Naturally, all sheets are also available when you enter specific place-name in the mapster search engine.
26th July 2021 - map update
1 Various map series updates, both from polona.pl and the collection of the digital library of the Universytet Jagielloński, Krakow:
- approx. 70 further sheets of the "Karte des westlichen Russlands", 1:100 000
- approx. 20 sheets of the German Generalstabskarte, dated approx. mid-19th century, so called "Topographische Karte vom Preussischen Staate 1:100,000"
- approx. 120 sheets of the Reymann's Special-Karte von Central-Europa, 1:200,000
- approx. 45 shets of the Spezialkarte der Osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie 1:75 000
- approx. 80 sheets, GSGS 4228 Italy 1:25 000  prepared or printed by 12 Polish Svy. Coy
- approx. 75 German equivalent maps (Ei25, Italien 1:25 000), 400 dpi, from our own collection
- approx. 15 sheets of the GSGS 4229 Italy 1:50 000
GSGS 1:100,000 series is currently not available
As far as Allied and German maps of Italy, we have a large number of scales available, but given the huge number of editions, and the total number of sheets approaching a good few thousands, we're not planning to scan them.
- 4 sheets of the AMS M702 Yugoslavia 1:50 000
- 8 sheets of the GSGS 4478 GERMANY ROAD MAP 1:500,000

12th July 2021 - map update
nowy From the collection of the National Library of Poland (polona.pl.) we have added approx. 120 sheets of the 1:100 000 "Karte des westlichen Russlands".
Polona.pl is also the source of approx. 40 sheets of the German 1:100,000  "Karte des deutschen Reiches". All sheets are scanned at 600 dpi. Additional 630 sheets of the same map type come from the collection of the University of Berkely Libraries, unfortunately only available at 300 dpi.
And, from the Nat. Library of Poland again, several sheets of the German 1:300,000 (Uebersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa)

26th June 2021 - map update
1 From the collection of the National Library of Poland, via digital library, polona.pl, we have added a collection of WIG 1:25,000 and their German variants.
- approx. 900 original, Polish sheets (tourist, regular, temporary and provisional editions),
- approx. 450 German variants, prepared by the Reichsamt fuer Landesaufnahme (1940 - 1944), D. Mil.-Kart. Inst. Warschau (1941 - 1942) and various Wehrmachtu survey departments and topo and field print units (1943 - 1945).
Actually, all the new sheet have already been available, sourced from other collection, but the new scans are 600 dpi (with exception of some reverse sides), and include some maps with extra information, such as corrections, signatures, etc.
Please note: this is not a complete set of these maps available at the Nat. Library of Poland, polona.pl are missing from several to a few dozen sheets, we don't have any information as to the reasons.
13 June 2021 - map update
nowy From the collection of the National Library of Poland (polona.pl), about 500 sheets of the German 1:100,000 copies of Polish tactical map by WIG, mostly in black and white. The originals bear pre-WW2 dates and their copies are undated, so with no specific information from written German sources, we can assume dating as approx. 1939.


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04/30/2024 17:10
I have tried to update my email - hope it works

04/30/2024 17:02
Any reason I can't get the Polish maps 1:100,000 for Miory, Dryswiaty etc? I get the 404 error instead. Frown

08/02/2023 00:50
Glad to see you back, Marek!

08/25/2022 15:09
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error) If you think what you'r

01/22/2022 22:50
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola

03/21/2020 14:55
What's up, Marek? What are you working on? Hope all is OK.

01/26/2019 14:42
Hi: Are there any other maps showing parishes such as: Andrzej Tomczak Siec parafialna Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego W drugiej polowie xvi wieku Skala 1:300. Thanks

12/04/2017 15:22
peut-on obtenir la carte détaillée de la frontière Est suite au traité de Brest-litovsk ? merci d'avance

09/10/2017 04:54
Can I get some guidance on the projection that WIG cartographers used on the 1 to 100,000 maps?

04/02/2017 23:15