07/27/2024 09:45
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1st December 2019 - literature update
eLiterature Several new items in the "Literature” section:
in Polish:
Courtesy of Mr Grzegorz Słomczyński, a paper by his grandfather, a known WIG cartographer, written in Italy, approx. 1945r.:
J. Słomczyński „Rzuty Kartograficzne” (PDF), (DOC) [Cartographic projections]

other materials in Polish
from the collection of Biblioteka Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych Uniwersytetu A. Mickiewicza, Poznań, Poland
from the collection of the Library of Congress, USA

in German:
Militär-geographische Einzelnangaben für die Truppenführung... Detailed military-geographic information for troop movement...), applicable to individual sheets of the 1:100,000 German maps (Grossblatt / Einheitsblatt). Individual volumes include text, drawings and photos (bridges, dams, roads, etc.).
H.Dv.g.40-30a (1933, Grossblatt 30a)
H.Dv.g.40-53 (1936, Grossblatt 54)
H.Dv.g.40-54 (1938, Grossblatt 54)
H.Dv.g.40-55 (1938, Grossblatt 55)
H.Dv.g.40-66 (1933, Grossblatt 66)
H.Dv.g.40-67 (1934, Grossblatt 67)
H.Dv.g.40-78 (1936, Grossblatt 78)
H.Dv.g.40-79 (1933, Grossblatt 33)
all materials from the collection of the Library of Congress, USA
Vademecum Italien, 1943 (PDF, 150 Mb)
Planheft Balkan, 1940 (PDF)
Planheftübersichten Mittelmeergebiet, 1941
Planheft GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH, 1944 (PDF, 302 Mb) - the only civilian Planheft
Die militärgeographischen Bedingungen für die Verteidigung der französischen Mittelmeeküste, 1943
Orts- und Geländenamen Albaniens, 1941 (PDF)
all materials from the collection of the Library of Congress, USA

in English:
Dr. M. Orłowicz „POLAND AND ITS CURIOSITIES (A Tourist's guide)”, 1927 (PDF)
(both guidebooks from the collection of the Library of Congress, USA)
MANUAL OF MAP CLASSIFICATION AND CATALOGUING PREPARED FOR USE IN THE DIR. OF MIL. SURVEY, 1952 (v. large file, 230 Mb!). Smaller variant (45 Mb), can be downloaded HERE.
(from private collection

in Russian:
A (large!) map and a text of the Russian Academy of Sciences, related to ethnography of Bessarbia.
from the collection of the Library of Congress, USA
The map is also available separately in mapster: small and mid-scale Russian and Soviet maps
31st October 2019 - map update
Courtesy of the State Archive Poznań, Poland we scanned over100 town plans of historical Poznań. Some files are large or VERY large so we would recommend they should be downloaded, rather than viewed in a web browser.
Several other new town plans, i.e. - Strassbourg, Praha, Tarnów, Łódź, Warszawa and Wadowice, come from the collection of Mr Ryszard Hubisz.
29th October 2019 - map update
update New maps, majority from the collection of the State Archive in Poznan, Poland:
From private collections:

15th July 2019 - an update
After a 7-month-short break, a new update:
- from the collection of the Library of Congress, Washington, approx. 800 sheets of the German map of Western Russia, 1:25,000 dating back to WW1. Majority of new sheets covers central Poland. We do not expect to fill in gaps soon, unfortunately libraries in Germany, like Herder Institut or Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin do not allow their maps to be scanned and shared online. That said, we will try to source those sheets elsewhere.
- from the collection of the State Archive in Poznań, Poland, 50 sheets of the the1:126,000 Topograficzna Karta Królestwa Polskiego (also known as Mapa Kwatermistrzostwa). The edition comes from approx. 1860s.

27th December 2018 - a map update
We have filled some gaps:
- approx.. 50 German 1:25,000 maps of Western Russia (approx. 1915 - 1918), mainly "Gruppe Krzemieniec", from the collection of the Library of Congress, USA. We hope to be able to scan some more sheets of this map type (Gruppe Warschau) next year.
- Courtesy of the Poznan State Archive, Poland, we have added several sheets of the German Uebersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa, road map variant (Strassenkarte) and soil types (Bodenarten), as well as a complete set (39 sheets) of the 1939 German "Gemeindegrenzkarte des ehemaligen polnischen Staates" (Map of the municipal boundaries of the former Polish state"). It is a copy, to some degree of a 1937 Polish Administrative Map of Poland, but here, for the background, German Uebersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa, rather than 1:300,00 WIG maps, was used. The sheet numbering is in dual (Polish and German) format.
[From our own collections]:
- several small-scale German maps dated 1941 covering the area of (Europan) Soviet Union. Please note some files are up to 80 Mb!
- British maps from the Middle East / Persian Gulf, including a, somewhat bizarre in the current political climate, map for a proposed route of a Haifa - Bagdad railway.
- a few sheets of an American (AMS M5928) road maps of Italy Włoch dated 1943
8th October 2018 - a map update
Courtesy of the State Archive in Poznan, Poland, we have scanned 130 sheets of the Grossblatt / Einheitsblatt maps and approx. 250 town plans from their colletion. The plans cover mostly Eastern & Central Europe, Germany and Baltic countries. There are some plans from other European countries, a plan of St. Petersburg and Russia, and Sosnowiec (that's in Poland!). All scans are 600 dpi, therefore some files can go up to 100 Mb, hence a word of advice: don't try to open them in your web browser, download instead and open on your computer via any imaging software. The file size (in Mb) is available in each map / plan data sheet, e.g. this one.
As several dozen town plans have no "slot" in the mapster index sheets, for now they can be only accessed through the lists linked above.

We have also managed to process two more Mil-Geo brochure (Mil-geo Einzelangaben für die Trupperführung zum Einheitsblatt...) from the Library of Congress collection. This time the brochures in pdf format are for the Grossblatt No 66 (Frankfurt a.d. Oder - Kuestrin - Landsberg a.d. Warthe - Zielenzig) and No 67 (Meseritz - Birnbaum). The brochures should those interested in industrial history of the area (bridges!), although some scans' quality suffers, because the two volumes were bound very tightly.
Another update can be expected around the turn of October / November.
8th September 2018 - a map update
A map update:
- with kind permission of the Institute of Geography and Regional Development, University of Wrocław, we've managed to scan 9 rare sheets of WIG 1:25,000 maps
- Another interesting set includes five WIG index sheets for the 1:25,000 maps, dated 1935 - 1939. They were originally published in the "Secret Gazette of Ministery of Military Affairs' Orders", which were made available by extremely helpful staff at the Warsaw Museum of the Polish Army.
The index sheets can be found below the Mapster index for the WIG 1:25,000 scale map set - see the last 5 index sheets on the list there.
- Several rare German 1:25,000 photomaps (Bildplan / Bildskizze), which we managed to locate in the (previously scanned) collection of the Faculty of Geographical & Geological Sciences of the Poznań University. Some sheets are cut alongWIG 1:25,000 lines, others identical to the German Messtischblatt / Topographische Karte layout
- Also, courtesy of the same university some 70 sheets of the German 1:25,000 geological map (some sheets cover the area of western Poland, while the majority, the terriotory of Germany).
All new scans are available in 600 dpi.
A new update is planned for the turn of September / October.
17th August 2018 - an update
1 Courtesy of the Library of Congress, we have added approx. 2250 sheets of a German WW1 1:25,000 map of western Russia, which covers central and eastern Poland, as well as Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. Majority of sheets at 400 dpi, the re-scaled Russian 1:84,000 maps (two-verst) have been scanned at 300 dpi, and a few more interesting sheets, such as this one - at 600 dpi.
In a few weeks we should be able to add a few sheets of "Gruppe Grodno", currently missing, and at least several sheets from the south-eastern "Gruppe Kamieniec".
The last batch of the maps in the US collections, approx. 300 - 500 sheets from central Poland (Gruppe Warschau), should, if all goes well, be scanned by the end of spring next year. Filling in blanks after that might prove difficult and / or time-consuming, as the maps are held by a few leading European libraries which are famous for guarding jelously their collections.
A new update should appear within the next couple of weeks.
19th June 2018 - a map update
1 There are approx. 30 new town plans, mainly from the collection of Mr Ryszard Hubisz, most of the plans from the area of Eastern Europe.
Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Washington, approx. 50 overdue Soviet 1:25,000 maps from 1939 from Eastern Poland, and, among those, 10 re-printed copies of Russian maps made by WIG by mid-1920.
There are other new maps in the following categories:
- small-scale maps (Allied)
- a few 18th and 19th century small-scale maps of Eastern Europe
- small-scale maps (German)
- German 1:25,000 sheets which combine re-scale WIG 1:100,000 and 1:25,000 maps.

We have also processed three more German military brochures - H.Dv.g 40 (Mil-geo Einzelangaben für die Trupperführung zum Einheitsblatt...) and they are available in pdf format. PLEASE NOTE, the files are 100 - 150 Mb!).
The brochures refer to the following Grossblatt / Einheitsblatt sheets:
53 Königsberg (Nm) – Pyritz – Soldin (Chojna - Pyrzyce - Myślibórz)
54 Arnswalde - Schloppe - Friedeberg i.d. Neumark (Choszczno - Człopa - Strzelce Krajeńskie)
55 Schneidemühl (Piła)

Another, relatively large update might appear by end of July, but as time is short, this update might actually appear later.
21st April 2018 - an update
The scans of maps we share are often used in research papers, internet, or exhibitions. Once in a while though, you can come across something... unorthodox, such as this application, found in the Infobox, Gdynia, Poland, by Łukasz Kaczmarek of Pracownia 63A design studio).

New items:
- from the collection of Mr Ryszard Hubisz: a very large town plan of Kiew (this time, of German origin, dated 1943). It is a secret (geheim) variant of the "Sonderausgabe" of the plan we  already have, but the "secret" variant comes with "enhanced" information, showing additional buildings, detailed railway infrastructure, etc.
- from the vast collection of the Library of Congress: approx. 500 sheets of the Soviet 1:25,000 maps dated 1939 - 1940. They are re-scaled and unrevised reprints of earlier, Tsarist maps, both half-versts (1:21,000) and verst (1:42,000) editions from the turn of 19th and 20th century. Exact survey dates can be found in top-left corner and this is how the situation on actual sheets should be dated. The map series covers a large part of the pre-WW2 area of Eastern Poland (so-called "Kresy", borderlands), but also Lithuania, and parts of East Prussia.
Since the set in the Library of Congress is the largest collection of these particular maps we are aware of, we do not expect to be able to fill in the gaps any time soon. That said, within the next two months, we will be able to add a relatively large number of sheet to the German, WW1 set of 1:25,000 maps which cover the same area (and are based on the same original maps) and extend both east and westwards.

The next update can be expected in May.
1st April 2018 - map update
1 The 1st April (no joke! ;), some maps from our own collection - German 1:200,000 (incomplete) series of:
- Türkei
- Rußland (Kaukasus)
- Rußland (Kaukasus) - joint editions (Zusammendruecke). Please note, these are large files!
- Rußland (Turkestan)

From the Library of Congress, approx. 20 administrative maps of the Soviet Union (Verwaltungskarten der UdSSR) dates 1939 - 1943

Another update can be expected in approx. 2 - 3 weeks.


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04/30/2024 17:10
I have tried to update my email - hope it works

04/30/2024 17:02
Any reason I can't get the Polish maps 1:100,000 for Miory, Dryswiaty etc? I get the 404 error instead. Frown

08/02/2023 00:50
Glad to see you back, Marek!

08/25/2022 15:09
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error) If you think what you'r

01/22/2022 22:50
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola

03/21/2020 14:55
What's up, Marek? What are you working on? Hope all is OK.

01/26/2019 14:42
Hi: Are there any other maps showing parishes such as: Andrzej Tomczak Siec parafialna Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego W drugiej polowie xvi wieku Skala 1:300. Thanks

12/04/2017 15:22
peut-on obtenir la carte détaillée de la frontière Est suite au traité de Brest-litovsk ? merci d'avance

09/10/2017 04:54
Can I get some guidance on the projection that WIG cartographers used on the 1 to 100,000 maps?

04/02/2017 23:15