A variant of this map produced by WIG in Edinburgh between 1942 - 1944, can be found in the above collecton.
A British variant of this map series (GSGS 4172), can be found here. We
expect to add a large number of scans at the turn of 2020/2021.
The GSGS 4172 was a temporary stop-gap, the series was replaced by a Europe-wide series GSGS 4346 Central Europe / Germany, and, to some extent, complemented by the GSGS 3982 Europe (Air) map series.
Republic of Poland - Administrative Maps
1:300,000 operational maps were also used to produce a Mapa
Administracyjna Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Administrative Map of
Republic of Poland), published in 1937 by the Wydawnictwo
Glownego Urzedu Statystycznego RP (the Publishing House of Central Statistical Office of the Republic of Poland). For the purpose
of this map type, the country was divided into 43 sheets, including 5
double sheets. The area covered by the sheets are identical as regular 1:300,000 WIG maps, but sheet numbers do not correspond to the original WIG
1:300,000 map grid. These maps were two-coloured only, i.e. all the
information in black, plus borders of administrative areas in red. ALL sheets of this map type are available (600 dpi) in Mapster A variant of this map has been produced in Germany towards the end of 1939, called "Gemeindegrenzkarte
des ehemaligen polnischen Staates", however the base map used for this
map type was the German map Uebersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa. The
sheets are available in the general collection of German 1:300,000 maps.
Yet another, limited variant of this map, was produced ca. 1946 by the
American Office for Strategic Studies (OSS), and it focused on the new
border between communist Poland and Soviet Union.
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error)
If you think what you'r
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola
Are there any other maps showing parishes such as:
Andrzej Tomczak
Siec parafialna
Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego
Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego
W drugiej polowie xvi wieku
Skala 1:300.