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16th October 2015 - map update
New maps available from the Uniwersytet  ÅšlÄ…ski:

- several German 1:25,000 Messtischblatt (Topographische Karte) sheets,
- Russian 1:126,000 maps (3-verst)
- several Russian 1:84,000 maps (2-verst)
- two, very rare Russian 1:21,000 maps (half-verst)
- a few Russian version of an Austro-Hungarian 1:75,000 maps
- several Soviet 1:50,000 maps, dated 1944-45,
- a few Soviet 1:100,000 maps, dated 1944-45
- several German WW2 maps from USSR, scale 1:100 000, dated 1941 - 1942 (Russland 1:100 000), single sheets, double sheets and quadruple sheets
- approx.. 20 sheets of the map Austro-Hungarian 1:25,000 maps
- a few sheets by WIG, same scale, based on the Austrian maps
- one sheet of a 1: 1mln map (Wilno) dated 1928 r, a part of a Map series "International Map of the World 1:1 000 000”
- Another interesting and rare Polish map in 1:25 000, approx. 1920, "Dawidów – Bóbrka",
- A joint edition of 4 sheets, 1:25,000 originally produced by WIG in 1930s: Mikulczyce – Bytom – Gliwice – Chorzów. With no publication date it's hard to confirm if they are an original, pre-WW2 edition, or a temporary re-print for local use done in late 1940s, i.e. after the war.

We have managed to locate and make available for the "literature" section the original of the WIG maps from 1929 „Przepisy podstawowe o sporzadzaniu map…” (core instructions on WIG maps), which provide a descriptive specification sheet for basic WIG map series.
Courtesy of Mr Ryszard Hubisz we have also made available a map and a brochure by a known Polish cartographer, Franciszek Uhorczak, „Skorowidz nazw gromad, miast i miasteczek… woj. lwowskiego, stanislawskiego i tarnopolskiego” (Gazetteer). The gazetteer comes with a large map, which ca be downloaded from Mapster.
We have also added a German brochure dated July 1939 including a set of "drive-through" town plans of Poland („Stadt-Durchfahrten in Polen und Danzig (Skizzen)”
13th September 2015 - map update
We are very grateful for the permission and fantastic support we received over this summer from the staff at the Geoscience Faculty of the  Uniwersyt Śląski with scanning a large number of historical maps in their collection. It is going to take some time to process all the material, so we will release it in batches, as soon as new maps and plans become available. For now:
- approx. 40 new town plans, including showing the town of Cieszyn on the Polish-Czech border. Other plans can be found in the following sub-categories:
Town plans of central Europe
Town plans of GOP (Upper Silesian Industrial Region)
Other plans (Strasbourg in France)

- Several WIG 1:25,000, maps, both Polish and German editions
- Several German 1:100,000, joint editions, so-called Grossblatt / Einheitsblatt), particularly interesting a Mil.-Geo edition of Grossblatt Nr 386 Łuck from June 1944.
- several sheets of the German 1:300 000 (Ãœbersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa, Osteuropa) across the whole continent

Please note: most maps have been scanned at 600 dpi, some files, particularly large-format sheets such as Grossblatt editions, might be up to 100 Mb.

A technical issue: we are aware of a problem with our website en-coding, which now defaults to ISO-8859-1. The effect, in plain English, is that some characters are replaced with illegible garbage which makes it hard or impossible to read some portions of the text. We are working to fix this issue.
24th June 2015 - new Soviet 1:25,000 maps
1 From our friends at easteurotopo.org, courtesy of the Library of Congress, we have received over 470 sheets of a Soviet 1:25,000 map, dated 1930 – 1942. The maps cover, predominantly, the coast of the Black Sea and south-eastern Ukraine. Nearly all the files are 400 dpi, hence manageable file size (4.5 – 10 MB).
16th June - a few more sheets from the Atlas Geologiczny Galicyi
We have received some missing sheets of the „Atlas Geologiczny Galicyji”, from our friends in Ukraine, and from the A. Mickiewicz University in Poznan, the following sheets: "Szczawnica", "Bochnia i Czchów", "Wieliczka i Myślenice", "Turka", "Ustrzyki Dolne", "Pomorzany", "Drohobycz" and "Skole". Now we are short of just two sheets ("Janów i Biłgoraj", and "Brzozów i Sanok"); we will try to locate them over the coming summer months.
15th June 2015 - new German 1:100,000 maps
From our own collections we have added about 60 maps based on a standard German 1:100,000 "Karte des deutschen Reiches" (Reichskarte, Generalstabskarte):
Nearly all sheets are at 600 dpi resolution, please be aware they are VERY large files. A few files at 400 dpi.
4th June 2015 - new maps for the "Atlas Geologiczny Galicji"
With help of the academics from the Uniwersytet ÅšlÄ…ski, Poland, we have received permission to complement the existing collection of Atlas Geologiczny Galicji, with extra sheets, which can be downloaded from the index sheet, or a list. All files are 600 dpi. Now, only nine sheets of this map type are required (plus two never published) to make the set complete. We will try to acquire them from other sources.
31st May - new Russian and Polish maps
Thanks to the hard work of our colleagues from the easteurotopo.org we have added new Russian and Soviet 1:84,000 maps, so-called "2-verst map", courtesy of the Library of Congress. 231 new sheets provides more thorough coverage of, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.
We do not expect to receive more sheets of this map type by end of summer 2015, but we should be able to add other Russian maps, of various scale.

Courtesy of the Earth Museum in Warsaw, Poland, we have added about 100 sheets from a map collection called Geological Atlas of Galicia (Atlas Geologiczny Galicji), which were produced between 1880s and early 1900. Index sheets presenting the stages of this long-term project can be found at the bottom of the map list. The maps are based on the Austrian 1:75,000 "Spezialkarte". There are approx. 30 sheets still missing, but over the next few weeks we should be able to add most of them from other sources.
4th May 2015 - new maps
1 Courtesy of the Earth Museum, Warsaw, we have been able to scan nearly 100 maps from various categories:

- Polish 1:25, 000 map dated 1919, from the period of Polish-Ukrainian fighting for Lwów / Lviv.
- several Soviet 1:50,000 maps from the border area between Poland and Czechoslovakia, dated 1944 and 1945,
- several Soviet 1:200,000 map sheets (double and quadruple) and a few in 1:500,000 from the same period, i.e. 1944/45,
- approx. 20 Messtischblatt maps (1:25,000 German map, so-called "Topographische Karte"),
- a few German 1:200,000 maps from the Danube delta dated 1944,
- several sheets of the German Overview map of Central Europe (Ãœbersichtkarte von Mitteleuropa) in 1:300,000 scale,
- a few Polish and German 1:25 000 maps from the area of south-central Poland,
- three sheets of the German „Sudetenland”, 1:75 000 series dated 1938,
- an interesting geological German map showing the area of Wadowice (near Krakow), scale 1:50,000

We have added more maps from other collections:
- 4 Grossblatt sheets courtesy Mr Peter Mackovčin from the Czech Republic,
- From Mr Hubisz – a GSGS 1944 variant of a Pharus plan of Wiesbaden
- 10 copies of WIG 1:100,000 from 1941/42 produced by the WIG in Edinburgh,
- Several sheets of the GSGS copies of the WIG 1:100,000 tactical maps GSGS 4177, Poland 1:100,000),
- i 20 sheets (complete set) of the American Army Map Service set of 1:1,500 000 series of the European Russia", dated 1943 and based on Soviet maps from 1938. Original index sheet for this series is incorporated in sheet No 17. You can also see a smaller (200 dpi) resolution scan of this index sheet at the bottom of the map list in Mapster.

Also several new items in the "literature" section, in Polish, English and German.
16th April 2015 - new German maps
We have received, from the collection of the Uniwersity of Illinois Library several sheets of a rare, German 1:50,000 map (Deutsche Karte), covering, in a crescent shape, some areas of western Poland. All sheets have been scanned at 400 dpi resolution. Please note, that while we have received a permission to use the scans for non-commercial purposes on the Internet, the university imposes certain restriction, i.e. licencing fees on some use of the materials, e.g. in publications. The list of these fees is available in the pdf document and can also be found in the each file's "datasheet" on Mapster.
26th March 2015 - new 1:25,000 (WIG) maps
Courtesy of Pracownia Zbiorów Kartograficznych i Reprografii Cyfrowej Wydziału Nauk o Ziemi of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun we have been able to add some 170 sheets of the WIG 1:25,000 maps. Most of the new sheets are Polish, pre-WW2 editions, several others are German, WW2 reprints and variants. There are also a few older, Polish editions from mid-1920s, based on earlier, pre-WW1 German 1:25,000 Topographische Karte (Messtischblatt) editions.
20th March 2015 - some maps will be unavailable (1 - 2 days)
For the next day or two, as we will be tidying up the collection of Grossblatt / Einheitsblatt maps (German 1:100,000 joint sheets), most of those maps will be unavailable. We will try to re-activate them by end of this weekend.

25th March upadate: all the Grossblatt / Einheitsblatt scans are now ready. We have updated publishers, publication dates and file names, to make them consistent. Also, a few sheets have been added.


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04/30/2024 17:10
I have tried to update my email - hope it works

04/30/2024 17:02
Any reason I can't get the Polish maps 1:100,000 for Miory, Dryswiaty etc? I get the 404 error instead. Frown

08/02/2023 00:50
Glad to see you back, Marek!

08/25/2022 15:09
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error) If you think what you'r

01/22/2022 22:50
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola

03/21/2020 14:55
What's up, Marek? What are you working on? Hope all is OK.

01/26/2019 14:42
Hi: Are there any other maps showing parishes such as: Andrzej Tomczak Siec parafialna Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego W drugiej polowie xvi wieku Skala 1:300. Thanks

12/04/2017 15:22
peut-on obtenir la carte détaillée de la frontière Est suite au traité de Brest-litovsk ? merci d'avance

09/10/2017 04:54
Can I get some guidance on the projection that WIG cartographers used on the 1 to 100,000 maps?

04/02/2017 23:15