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19th April 2014 - an update
67 new items in the “Literature” section. Please note some are VERY large pdf files.
10th March 2014 - an interesting website
We received a tip from one of our users about a site, and if you are interested in the history of Austro-Hungary, or Galicja / Galicia, it is definitely worth taking a look!
23 February 2014 - map update
New maps have been added in several categories:
1.    Some 100 sheets of German maps - Russland 1:100,000, from WW2, single, dual and quad-sheets. Unfortunately some of them, due to their size, did not get scanned as well as they should have (those with filename including “err”) – and these will get scanned again. Please note sheet “Shisdra” (Шиздра) of the Befestigungskarte type, from Belarus, with red overprints showing field fortifactions.
2.    Around 100 German, WW1 re-made Russian maps in the 1:126,000 scale (so-called 3-verst maps)
3.    Several sheets of the Russian WW1 re-drawn Austrian 1:75,000 scale maps of Galicia. The sheet of Tarnopol might be of particular interest due to the red-overprints to update the information on the map as of 1916.
4.    A few interesting maps by WIG, unfortunately very poor resolution, from two digital libraries: Centralna Biblioteka Wojskowa files can be seen HERE, and those from the library of the Polish Academy of Sciences are HERE.
5.    Approx. 10 copies and re-drawn copies of a Russian 3-verst (1:126,000) map by the Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny, dated early 1920s.
6.    Two original 1:126,000 maps.
7.   We keep adding and sorting new, single map and town plan scans from various sources - all files added within the last 30 days are marked in green as “New”. They have appeared in the following categories:
- Topographic and tourist maps (Polish)
- General, small scale maps (Polish)
Guidebooks (Polish)
Town plans of Central Europe

If you prefer the English version of the pages linked above, see a set of three flags at the top of each page in Mapster, where you can change language to EN or DE.
Please note: we are aware that resolution of some maps scans, particularly sourced at digital libraries, is... underwhelming. We do keep track of such items and when the same map or town plan appears elsewhere, or when we have a chance to scan it at better resolution - we do, and such poor quality scans will be replaced.
31 December 2013 - Mapster update

The final update for A.D. 2013: about 40 new maps and town plans have been made available in Mapster. Because the files are of various map types, a list of links can be viewed at the following page: Happy browsing in 2014!

2 December 2013 - Mapster update
We have added approx. 110 sheets from the German editions of 1:500,000 maps across the whole of Europe, courtesy of L'Université Paris 8, France.
We have also received some town plans from Pomorze (Ger. Pommern), e.g. ÅšwinoujÅ›cie (Swinemünde), KoÅ‚obrzeg (Kolberg) and SÅ‚upsk (Stolp), as well as a few small plans from a rather peculiar publication - a (tourist) guidebook to the German-occupied Poland ( (Baedekers Generalgouvernement, published 1943): Warszawa, Kraków, Radom and Lwów. The guidebook will be made available in a week or so.
A few new sheets of the Grossblatt / Einheitsblatt series: No 3 (Danish-German border), No 4 (Labiau, Ostpreussen, currently Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation), and No 363a - Kołki nad Stwigą. Where is, or rather was the village of Kołki? Well, you can find some hints in interesting canoeing trip reports (here and here) from a few years ago. While they are in Polish, you might try Google translate on them, you never know what you might get!
28 November 2013 - map update
All broken links on page with irregular WIG maps have been fixed. We have also added 5 new maps.
The following 27 regular WIG 1:100,000 maps have been added:
Łowicz, Warszawa Południe, Tymbark-Rabka, Tiegenort, Osieki, Malbork, Elbląg, Sztum, Grajewo, Callies, Nibork, Łeba, Swarzewo, Ujście (Ustka), Lębork, Wejherowo, Puck, Braniewo, Słupsk, Lupowo, Szarkowszczyzna, Miadzioł, Dokszyce, Wołma, Krzywicze and Kamieniec-Podolski (x 2).
They are older editions of the sheets we already have, from early 1920s. Usually they are re-printed or re-worked older maps (German, Austrian and Russian), nevertheless they are very interesting, as they might contain information no longer provided on later editions, such as the "zaścianki", small settlements of Polish impoverished gentry in the east of Poland. Also the Łowicz sheet, dated 1924, is pretty good-looking.

Mapster update:
Several dozens of Russian and Soviet maps have been added:
- 3 x 1:42,000 map (one-verst)
- 17 sheets of the Soviet 1:50,000 map, dated 1942 - 1944, mainly from central and north-east Poland.
- a few overdue 2-verst maps (1:84,000) from the collection of the University of Warsaw, Poland.
- 1 x 1:100,000 sheet from the area of Czechoslovakia (Brno).
- 2 sheets of 3-verst map (1:126,000) – very pretty, older editions, probably from approx. 1860, both 600 dpi.
- 2 sheets of the 1:200,000 maps (Ostrołęka and Johannisburg)
- a few maps in 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000 scale.
- one, but very interesting Russian topographic map of Novye Selo, dated probably 18th or 19th century. Currently the metropolitan area of St. Petersburg, but at that time, rather famous summer resort - and more. Some information can be had in wikipedia. And a German air photo at wwwii-photos-maps.com

Also, three town-plans:
Silva: Stadtplan Berlin, probably dated 1941 – 1944
Glogau (Głogów), undated, 1:10,000.
Bahnhof Ratomka – German, WW1 topographic sketch, scale 1:5,000. The area is a few miles north-east of Minsk, Belarus.

Next update - literature - probably in a week or two. Publications mainly in German and Polish. After that we should be able to re-focus on the German WW2 maps of the Soviet Union (Russlan 1:50,000 and 1:100,000)

20th November 2013 - map update
About 90 new maps of various types and scales:

* 23 of Polish pre-WW2, war-time (i.e. German) and post-war (Polish again), 1:25 000 map:
Odolanów, Jędrzejów, Krotoszyn, Kłobuck, Koniecpol, Bieruń Stary, Lubstów, Grodziec koło Konina, Wąsosz, Szwelice, Satory, Srebrna, Płońsk, Ober Opinoberg, Neustadt, Gonsozin, Sochotschin, Marzenin, Bełchatów, Dsersonsa.
German, WW2 variants are as follows: Mlozk, Lubranitz, Kowal i Wyszków (ten ostatni już mamy, teraz lepszy skan).

* 16 sheets of Messtischblatt (Topographische Karte), scale 1:25, 000, mainly Polish-Czechoslovak border area:
Hultchin, Olsztyn (not Allenstein! ;), Bludowitz, Heerwagen, Libau (x 2), Ujsoly, Golleschau, Reichwaldau, Freistadt (Olsa), Gross-Sopotnia, Bielany, Brenna, Czarnocin, Koenigsberg

* Some 45 sheets of German 1:300,000 (Ubersichtkarte von Mitteleuropa). Editions dated 1900 - 1944, from all over Europe (from France to Finland)

* 12 sheets of German 1:1,000 000 map dated 1930s - 1944.

More maps to follow in a few days.
18th October 2013 - workshops in Lviv, Ukraine
On 7th and 8th November (in 3 weeks' time), there's a 2-day workshop organized in Lviv, Ukraine. The subject is  "The Digital and the Visual: New Approaches to Urban Studies Research of East Central Europe”. 
Detailed programmed available in this pdf (in English).
Workshops will be held in English and Ukrainian.
Access is free of charge, but you need to register your interest in the e-mail address provided in the abovementioned pdf - by 20th October.
Ref. "how to get there": for UK, best access is via cheap (aka "budget") airlines, which fly to Krakow and Rzeszow, and other airlines connect from Western Europe to Krakow. From there on, you can take a train or a coach to Lviv. If you drive across the border in your own, or rented vehicle, you can expect to be held up for many hours on your return journey though.
18 August 2013 - Mapster updates
This time a somewhat bigger Mapster update:
1.    some 330 sheets of the Russian 1:84,000 map (2-verst), of which approx. 200 come from the University of Warsaw, and some 120 from the Library of Congress. Most maps are dated 1914 -  1917, while several dozens are later, 1920s reprints, some with stamps of the original "Archiwum Map W.I.G." A few more sheets might become available in the autumn, but next large update can be expected no earlier than mid-next year.
2.    Around 20 sheets of Russian and Soviet 1:42,000 map (1-verst), mainly from north-western Belarus. Some sheets are incomplete, they will be re-scanned and updated in the autumn. In a few days, a couple of extra, joint sheets (x4) of a WW1 edition of this map will become available.
3.   Through kind support from Mr Jean-Luc Arnauda of CNRS, we have received permission from Université Paris 8 to add to Mapster approx. 290 sheets of the German 1:300,000 Osteuropa map (300 dpi). They are, very well scanned and hard to get, first editions from 1942/1943 and provide coverage well east of Moscow, reaching, in the south-east, to Kazakhstan. We have also added, courtesy of our Czech friends, some 50 other sheets of this map type, mainly Central Europe (400 dpi). They include some very interesting military-geographical (Mil-Geo) editions with overprints and extended description on the front and back of each sheet. Three maps show the area of Pripet river (Pripetgebiet), a few others come from a large set on the accessibility of the Carpathian Mountains (Durchgängigkeit Karpaten), and a single sheet is T50 Tarnopol, with extra information and town plans of Czortkow and Tarnopol on the reverse. Some of the 1:300,000 sheets are very late editions (January - April 1945), e.g. Breslau, Berlin, and one irregular sheet of a „Strassenkarte” marked as Geheim (Secret) dated for 30th April 1945. It shows the area south-west of the Czech town Ústí nad Labem). All sheets available via Mapster index (please note - VERY LARGE index sheet - takes a long time to load!)
4.    Some 45 sheets of the German 1:500,000, WW2 edition, mainly USSR, Central and South-Central Europe, 400 dpi.
23 July 2013 - updates
We have failed to note an important event: on 13th June this year, Col Robert Bauer defended his PhD thesis on the "Transformation method for points in a non-uniform triangulation network into the uniform coordination system" (in Polish), which allows accurate callibration of maps, including those by WIG, for navigational (gps) purposes. Congratulations!

Because we’re rather busy at work, we’ve had to re-schedule map updates. This time, we have added about 40 sheets to the German, WW1, 1:100,000 map of western Russia (Karte des westlichen Russlands): H18, K28, K37, L25, O14, O16 - O18, O35, P17, P19, P31, P32, P35 - P38, Q11, Q14 - Q16, Q36 - Q38, R36, R37, R40, S36, S38, S41, T35 - T37, T39 - T41, U35 - U38, U40 i U41.
Some of them are different editions, e.g. 1914 and 1915, although no apparent updates are visible. Most of them are courtesy of the University of Berkeley library, and the Library of Congress, due to the efforts of our collegues from www.easteurotopo.org, for which we are very grateful indeed. Other sheets have been provided by private collectors.

Additionally, three German 1:100,000 (Grossblatt) sheets have been added: No 37, 67 and 317.

19 June - overdue update
We have overlooked a rather important Mapster update, which happened at the end of May this year: courtesy of the Institute for Geography and Geology of the University of Greifswald, Germany, we have received a permission to scan and make available, some 106 sheets of the Soviet maps of Volhynia (Wołyn), dated 1939, scale 1:25,000, which are a re-scaled Russian-Imperial half-verst maps (1:21,000). Three more sheets of the same map type have been received from the. Kolejne trzy arkusze uzyskaliśmy ze zbiorów Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland (where almost 100 sheets of this map type is identical to the Greifswald collection).
All sheets of this map type, present and past, have been scanned in 400 dpi (there is an error in Mapster, quoting "600 dpi", this will be fixed as soon as possible).
The current set of maps complements (although we're far from having a full set) of a similar collection, which we had received earlier from the library of the University of Chicago. We do not expect to receive any more sheets of this type this year.
The next update should appear by the end of this week.


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04/30/2024 17:10
I have tried to update my email - hope it works

04/30/2024 17:02
Any reason I can't get the Polish maps 1:100,000 for Miory, Dryswiaty etc? I get the 404 error instead. Frown

08/02/2023 00:50
Glad to see you back, Marek!

08/25/2022 15:09
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error) If you think what you'r

01/22/2022 22:50
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola

03/21/2020 14:55
What's up, Marek? What are you working on? Hope all is OK.

01/26/2019 14:42
Hi: Are there any other maps showing parishes such as: Andrzej Tomczak Siec parafialna Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego W drugiej polowie xvi wieku Skala 1:300. Thanks

12/04/2017 15:22
peut-on obtenir la carte détaillée de la frontière Est suite au traité de Brest-litovsk ? merci d'avance

09/10/2017 04:54
Can I get some guidance on the projection that WIG cartographers used on the 1 to 100,000 maps?

04/02/2017 23:15