07/27/2024 09:29
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30th December 2014 - rollover update
Courtesy of the Geography Department of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin we have been able to fill in some gaps in the map coverage:
- approx. 70 sheets of the German 1:300,000 map (Ãœbersichtskarte von Mitteleuropa) covering the area from France to Kazakhstan.
- several sheets of the German 1:800,000 map and Austro-Hungarian 1:750,000 map
- a few maps from a very rare German series "Deutsche Karte", in 1:50,000 scale: 3 small sheets from 1920s and 5 large-format sheets from 1938.

From the collection of the Library of Congress: a few sheets of a very rare Austro-Hungarian 1:25,000 maps covering extensive fortifications of Brest-Litowsk and surrounding area, and one sheet from a similar series covering the fortifications of Luck, Dubno and Rowno. As the set is currenctly incomplete, we will attempt to acquire the reminder from Austrian sources.

From the collection of a digital library of the University of Wroclaw, Poland some 450 shets of a German 1:25,000 map (Messtischblatt) covering Śląsk (see sheets on list beginning with No 3957 Rädnitz).

A few years ago, courtesy of the Library of the Brigham Young University, Utah, we were able to add several hundred post-WW2 American copies of German Messtischblatt sheets covering East Prussia and, generally, western Poland. We have finally made use of the other, substantial part of the collection. It consists of American, British and French editions of the 1:25,000 map from the territory of present-day Germany. All in all 2550 some 2550 sheets (400 dpi) and some 50 more sheets from our collection (600 dpi).

Other new maps:
- some 100 sheets of the Czechoslovak 1:200,000 map, dated 1919 - 1939
- over 50 German 1:100,000 maps (Karte des deutschen Reiches) dated 1920 - 1942
- an interesting map dated approx. 1941 - 1942, with a rather self-explanatory title: "Kreuzung der Autobahnen Breslau – Moskau und Danzig bei Litzmannstadt”

Further updates can be expected - next year.
28th November 2014 - Mapster update
We have added some 240 sheets of American map "Poland 1:25,000” dated approx. 1953 - 1956 (newly added sheets can be found on the map list). The maps are copies of a German  "Topograpische Karte” (Messtischblatt) dated 1940 - 1944. The originals were a mixture of contents - German survey updates conductd during WW2, pre-war Polish maps, still earlier German 1:25,000 maps (Westl. Osteuropa) from WW1 which, in turn, were based on Russian maps (half-, one-, and two-verst). The eastern coverage of the AMS map series can be found on the two index sheets: Part 1 i Part 2.
With the new maps we have separated the AMS variants which are now available through their own index sheet, combined: AMS M851 Poland, M852 East Prussia and M841 Germany (east).
21st November 2014 - Mapster update
A few dozen new town plans from Mr Hubisz' collection have been added. Also, courtesy of the Library of Congress, we have received three, very rare, German town plans dated 1939, of  PoznaÅ„, Wilno and Grodno. They are the last three of the town plans included in the "Military-geographic description of Poland" (Militärgeographische Beschreibung von Polen) - a set of materials prepared in July 1939 for the upcoming invasion of Poland (Fall Weiss).

There are other new materials, majority a small-scale Allied (British and American) maps from the Mideaterrenian, Caucaus and Middle East, small-scale German maps (predominantly from Easter Europe), some German railway maps and diagrams, and a joint sheet of Hungarian 1:1 M map dated 1942. Amongst new maps, there is a British sheet dated 1951, related to "Excercie Cassius", covering the area of Central-Western Europe (including the western part of Poland), and another one from the same times, showing AA and radar sites around the area of Leningrad.
Another interesting map is a two-sheet set of 1:25,000 Polish maps covering Lwow and the surrounding area, probably dated from 1919, the time of Polish - Ukrainian fighting for the city. polskiej mapy topograficznej, wydanych przez OddziaÅ‚ Kartograficzny Naczelnego Dowództwa W.P.  opartej na wydaniach austriackich, prawdopodobnie z okresu polsko-ukraiÅ„skich walk o Lwów w 1919 roku, oraz ukraiÅ„ska mapa maÅ‚oskalowa (Mapa Fizyczna Ukrainy i ziem sÄ…siednich), wydana w 1939 r. we Lwowie.
We have also come across a two-sheet set of a French map, or diagram from 1941, with the demarkation line between the German-occupied northern France and the southern part under the Vichy government.

There are some more maps covering out-of-the-usual (for us) areas: 95 joint and 2 single sheets of a German 1:100,000 map of Italy (1943 / 1944), as well as 8 sheets of the same edition with fortifications overprints, so called "Befestigungskarten. We should be able to add, probably in 2015, other maps of Italy, both original, as well as British, Polish and American variants from WW2 (and slightly beyond). As no proper index sheets for the new maps have been added yet, each list of maps above comes with an original, German index sheet (or two) at the very bottom of the list. For the single-sheet edition, you can access it here (Link) and for the joint edition, here (Link No 1) and here (Link No 2). Please note that Link the file for Link No 2 is larger (10 MB) and will take longer to download or display in the browser). Unfortunately we do not have an original index sheet for the fortification variant of this map, but at least two sheets show min-index sheets diplayed on their margins.

Some time ago we scanned and made available a set of German 1:150,000 maps showing the districts of East Prussia around 1830 - 1840. Since the maps look rather attractive, we have scanned them again, this time, at higher resolution (600 dpi) and with much better scanner. All the files have been updated and can be downloaded from the link above.

And, to sum it up, a peculiar Polish propaganda postcard dated 1939.
13th October 2014 - Mapster update
We have added 72 sheets of a Map of German Railways (Eisenbahnkarte Deutschlands) dated 1937 – 1944. The maps (more diagrams), cover Germany, Austria, and some parts of Lithuania Poland and Czechoslovakia. The set is not complet, but we will try to locate and scan missing sheets. As the maps don't come with any grid lines, it will be harder to create proper index sheets, hence they are available, temporarily, as a list.

Additionally, 34 sheets of the British copy of the same map, dated 1944 / 1945 roku (German Railways) have been made available - they cover western Germany up to Berlin and Austria.
From a different source altogether (digital library of PAN), we have obtained a general (Map of German railways (Eisenbahnkarte Deutschlands) scale 1:1125,000., related to the above series.

And from the Library of Congress, courtesy of easteurotopo.org, we have received 12 sheets of a Russian "Map of European Russia and Caucasus”, scale 1:680,000, dated approx. 1870.
30th September - Mapster update
Approximately 150 town plans have been added, most of them from Central and Eastern Europe, but quite a few from other areas, e.g. the Balkans, UK, France, Germany and Italy.

As usual, new scans have been highted in the lists
Some higlights: detailed plans of Gibraltar, several German war-time plans of British towns, detailed German plans of several towns in Pommern (north-western Poland), and a copy, rather ugly, of a German town plan of Marienbad - famous Czech resort of Mariánské Lázne - it appears the copy was in use by some US troops (3rd Army?) which reachead the western part of Czechoslovakia in April / May 1945.
We have also added two "zone maps" of Hanover and Dresden, which were prepared for the carpet bombing raids in 1944 / 1945.

New maps:
- some 20 – 30 sheets of WIG 1:25,000 map, both Polish pre-war and German war-time variants. Resolution and quality not that great but will need to do until we source original maps from another location.
- 12 sheets of the older WIG 1:25,000 editions from south-east Poland (Bieszczady). These maps are reprints of earlier, Austro-Hungarian 1:25,000 maps.

10th September 2014 - Mapster update

From our US friends from the easteurotopo.org project, and courtesy of the Library of Congress, we have received approx. 140 sheets of the Russian (and Soviet) 3-verst maps (1:126 000), approx. 250 sheets of the German, WW1 variant, and and a few sheets of this map type published in 1920 and 1921 by WIG, at that time under the name of Instytut Wojskowo-Geograficzny (Military-Geographic Institute).All variants (Russian / Soviet, German, Polish and Austro-Hungarian), are available through the map index sheet, and through the Mapster place-name search engine.

We have also added about 55 sheets of the post-WW2, 1:50,000 map by the US Army Map Service. Maps are dated 1950s - 1980s and the new sheets cover Western Poland. One sheet from the East Prussia / Ostpreussen (currently Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation), several sheets from Czechoslovakia, and two sheets from Hungary (really, that's all we have at the moment!). Unfortunately most of the scans suffers from imperfect scanner callibration. The issue can be seen when the scan is at its 100% magnification, along one of the margins. Files with such errors are marked appropriately, i.e. "...err.jpg". If at all possible, at some point we will try to re-scan these sheets or obtain the scans from other sources.

17th August 2014 - Russian maps update
Up to 50 sheets of Russian 3-verst map (1:126,000) have been added, courtesy of the digital library of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, and the Library of Congress. Also, after some painstaking effort, it hs been possible to make those maps, as well as the WW1 German variants, available through index sheets; consequently, these maps are now easily available through Mapster place-name search engine.
Several other index sheets have been created, including a mid-19th century Polish "Mapa Kwatermistrzostwa” (1:126,000) from the digital archive of the National Library, Warsaw.
5th July 2014 - Mapster update
Problems with Mapster index sheets have now been fixed.
We have added up to 50 sheets of the Austrian (KuK) "Operationskarte" 1:400,000. The 300 dpi sheets come from a digital library of the Polish Academy of Science, those at 400 dpi are from private collectors and, through help of  easteurotopo.org site, from the Library of Congress.
We have also added a few town plans: Köslin (Koszalin), Belgard (Bialogard), Sopot – all in the Pomorze (Pommern) area of Poland, Kostrzyn (Küstrin), and Klaipeda (Memel). More (many more) town plans will be made available after summer.
16th June 2014 - Mapster index sheets temporarily unavailable
We would like to apologize that Mapster index sheets are temporarily not accessible. The problem should be fixed by tomorrow morning. In the meantime, all files are available through lists (categories) of maps.
23rd May 2014 - map update
We have separated older editions of WIG 1:25,000 maps, which are divided according to the original materials (German, Austrian and Russian). These older sheets from 1920s can be found on a separate index sheet. We have added 6 new sheets of the older, and 14 sheets of the new (1930s') edition. All new scans at 600 dpi. A few dozens older type sheets from the area of former Austrian "partition" should become available by mid-summer.
Courtesy of Katedr Geologii i Geografii, Uniwersytet A. Mickiewicza Poznan, Poland, we have received  28 sheets of a German 1:25,00 soil / land valuation map dated 1940 - 1944. These maps are based on Polish 1:25,000 (WIG) maps, German Topographische Karte (Messtischblatt) and Russian verst maps. We might be able to add a larger number of sheets of this map type by end of this year.
There's been an update to the page with index sheets of WIG maps.
Semi-related news (for those with a passion for scanning large maps on a small-format scanner): Panavue, a long-standing software provider for stiching photographs (and maps) are closing down by September 2014. In the meantime they have made their flagship (enterprise) stitching software available for free. On their home page you will find a link to the download page. Installation is fast and painless, no strings attached, e.g. giving up personal data, registration, etc. Software can be installed in either English or French language version. While the interface is a bit dated, and the stiching does not always provide perfect results, this is still one of the best programs of this type available (no, they didn't pay us to say that).
28th April 2014 - Mapster update
Courtesy of the Library of Congress, through hard work of volunteers from the easteurotopo.org site, we have been able to add 280 sheets of the Russian (and Soviet) 2-verst maps (1:84,000), mainly from the territory of Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine. All sheets 600 dpi, majority dated 1922 - 1934. Several sheets available in two different editions (updates are visible on some of them). All new sheets have been marked in green ("new").


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04/30/2024 17:10
I have tried to update my email - hope it works

04/30/2024 17:02
Any reason I can't get the Polish maps 1:100,000 for Miory, Dryswiaty etc? I get the 404 error instead. Frown

08/02/2023 00:50
Glad to see you back, Marek!

08/25/2022 15:09
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error) If you think what you'r

01/22/2022 22:50
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola

03/21/2020 14:55
What's up, Marek? What are you working on? Hope all is OK.

01/26/2019 14:42
Hi: Are there any other maps showing parishes such as: Andrzej Tomczak Siec parafialna Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego W drugiej polowie xvi wieku Skala 1:300. Thanks

12/04/2017 15:22
peut-on obtenir la carte détaillée de la frontière Est suite au traité de Brest-litovsk ? merci d'avance

09/10/2017 04:54
Can I get some guidance on the projection that WIG cartographers used on the 1 to 100,000 maps?

04/02/2017 23:15