07/27/2024 04:07
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1 March 2011 - new registrations
Today for something completely different: due to the recent invasion of spambots registering on the site "en masse", and then spamming left right and centre, we have temporarily changed registration rules for new users, who, for the time being, will have to be approved by admins, until we prepare a more permanent solution. We would like to apologise for any potential delays as this temporary measure is implemented. In the meantime, please note that ALL maps are available for download without registration.
15 February - an update
Another small, but welcome update. We have, yet again, courtesy of the Brightam Young University Library, received a number of interesting scans. This time, mainly, but not exclusively, a near-complete set of WIG 1:500,000 maps, both pre-WW2 and WW2 editions. We have also got some town plans and other maps, including 1:25,000, which are always in short supply.

Mapster: index sheets are being updated, first the WIG 1:100,000 maps, to be followed by Messtischblatt with several sheets showing the area of north-east (pre-WW2) Poland (soon).
Town plans need to wait their turn, but the WIG 1:25,000 maps are available already in Mapster:

P48 S30 G KRAKOW (wydanie turyst. wznowienie wcześniejszego)
P51-S32-B HANCZOWA (wyd. turystyczne)

To see those sheets, go to Mapster index sheets to the left of your message, and then change map type to "WIG - mapa szczegolowa Polski 1:25 000".
3 February 2011 - Newly added Austro-Hungarian maps
We have a pleasure to inform you, that we have just published a large
number of old Austro-Hungarian map sheets, on our sub-site "KuK
(austro-hungarian) maps" Link

1) "Administrativ Karte von den Königreichen Galizien und Lodomerien"
by von Kummerer - 37 sheets added;
2) "Specialkarte" that is the Austro-Hungarian topographical map 1:75,000
- 90 sheets added;
3) "Generalkarte von Mitteleuropa" 1:200,000 - - 1 sheet added;
4) "Generalkarte von Central-Europa" 1:300,000 - 1 sheet added;
5) "A general map of the Austrian Imperator's state with a large part of
the neighbouring countries“ („Generalkarte des österreichischen
Kaiserstaates mit einem großen Theile der angränzenden Länder“) of
1856–1859, by Josef Scheda, scale 1:576,000 - NEWLY ADDED, full set of 20 sheets;
6) Maps - schemes of the triangulation network of Austro-Hungary - 3
sheets added;
3 January 2011
A small update: 44 remaining German map, 1:200,000 (Topografische Ãœbersichtskarte des Deutsches) and one Grossblatt 403, showing the area east of Prag, a very interesting, late (March 1945) edition.
German 200K maps are of two type, one is in colour, "For internal use only", and shows (at that time mostly unpaved) airfields, unfortunately poor quality of print makes these maps hard to read. The other type, 3-colour edition, is much cleaner and more legible, but might not include certain elements "for internal use".
In many cases we have both sheet types for the same area, so you're welcome to compare them.
24 December 2010 - Christmas
We wish you a quiet Christmas time spent, if possible, at home and with your family.
And for well-behaved children we have some presents. Enjoy.
Plan of Warsaw, dated 1932, marked as "secret", with a list of industrial and military related sites. For those users who don't shy away from the cyrilic...
Town plan of Sokal, probably pre-1918
German town plan of Pińsk, dated 1941 / 43 courtesy of www.wwii-photos-maps.com. Low resolution, but perfectly legible.
Plan of the City of Danzig, 1933. Well-worn, but legilbe and rather pretty (colour). Please note it's a large file, approx. 34 Mb.
The last variant of the Tatra mountains by WIG (Polish side of the border, mainly), scale 1:20,000,  Tatr w skali 1:20 tyÅ›, ski edition, two sheets, zipped together 400 dpi (approx. 80 Mb) and 200 dpi, but very legible anyway (approx. 40 Mb).
Poligon Biedrusko (Firing Range north of Poznan, Poland), another variant of a WIG map, scale 1:25, dated 1928.
Four very rare sheets of Poland and Neighbouring Coutries, 1:1,000 000 (mln), made by WIG in Edinburgh, 1943.
Wünschelberg (Radków),at the foothills of Góry Stołowe (Table Mountains, originally, in German, Heuscheuergebirge). A nice, black&white map from 1925, scale 1:10,000, probably a re-scaled German Grundkarte in 1:5,000)
German map of Leningrad, scale 1:10,000 (the sheet shows just a small part of the city, to the north-east), based on Sovie 1:25,000 map from 1939 and German air photos approx. end of 1942.
Austrian 1:75,000 map showing the area around a town of Kraśnik, south of Lublin, eastern Poland. A large sheet showing administrative borders, date unknown, probably around 1917. A large file, approx. 45 Mb.
Tom 5 Bibljoteki Służby Geograficznej, "O sposobach przedstawiania terenu na mapach", [Vol. 5 of the Library of Geographic Service, "On the map-based terrain presentation"], in Polish, dated 1930, by kind permission from Mr Zenon Kozieł, Head of Department of Cartography, Remote Sensing and GIS, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland. File in pdf format, approx. 40 Mb. If you prefer, you can download a much lighter (approx. 4 Mb) version of the same document, in (...) dejavu format from a digital library: www.kpbc.umk.pl/dlibra

Please note that all the above files are here to stay and they will become available from their relevant sub-pages, when they get updated in 2011.

23 December 2010 - news
New maps: over 300 sheets of German maps of various scales, almost all dated 1919 - 1945. Approx. 90 scanned sheets of a German Osteuropa 1:300,000 map received courtesy of the Cartographic Archive, Faculty of Geography & Geology of the University in Poznan, the rest of the maps come from our own collections.
Nearly all new 1:300,000 which "fit" into the Mapster active index sheet as well as most 1:100,000 maps (Grossblatt & Einheitsblatt type) are available through Mapster interface. Some sheets, particularly from the area of East Prussia (Ostpreussen) are hard to get, we used British (GSGS) photolitographic reproductions made in 1943 in place of originals. Unfortunately this made them even harder to read, so we scanned them in 300 dpi only. There was not point wasting time to scan them in high resolution, provide access to much larger files, only to find out that what you can see on the map is a much larger, dark blob. Naturally, when we come across the originals we will scan them in 400 dpi.
The next batch of files to become available in January 2011 are Austro-Hungarian maps, approx. 140 - 160 sheets of various scale. We will also try to squeeze in some 60 - 70 sheets of the German 1:200,000 sheets (Topographische Uebersichtkarte) which didn't make it to this update. We will then continue with German maps in the " - 1919" section, mainly with a large backlog of Karte des westlichen Russlands and Reymann maps. After that, plenty of town plans to add, as well as Allied mapping (AMS and GSGS), some new WIG maps, also a few new Russian and Soviet maps and plenty of literature.
21 November 2010 - news
We have received, courtesy of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, over 70 sheets of WIG 1:100,000 map, mainly from the the east and north east of (pre-world war 2) Poland. You will find both new sheets for us, showing territory of the Soviet Union and Lithuania, and other editions of the sheets we already have. We can expect to receive, in the future, another 100 - 120 sheets of such editions, although no earlier than the first quarter of next year. In the meantime we need to go back to other maps, we should be able to add some new 1:25,000 and 1:300,000 WIG maps soon, followed by German and American maps.
Messtischblatt maps (mapster): We have added another 70 + scans, although only a few filled in "gaps" in the coverage, the rest are other editions of what is already available. We have approx. 70 more "other editions" to scan, but this will be done no earlier than the spring of next year. Around that time we will also, having added all the other overdue maps to the site, speak to the university of Torun library about scanning their collection.
17 October 2010 - news
We are pleased to announce that our website has been awarded a medallion minted for 90th Anniversary of Polish Army Geographic Service, for "the effort to highlight the work and achievement of the Geographic Service and, in particular the work of Polish Military Geographic Institute". You will find more information when you click the link to the right o the medallion.

Other news:
The The library of the Brigham Young Utah University, USA , has given us a kind permission to make use of their scans of German 1:25,000 maps via the Mapster platform. There are approx. 800 scans in total, of which 690 are post-WW2 copies by the Army Map Service and the rest are German originals. Combined with another 90 or so scans from our collection, this helped us to fill in large gaps in Mapster coverage. There is approx. 80 more scans to follow in the next few weeks, only a few to fill gaps, the rest are different editions of the sheets we already have.
In August we scanned approx. 800 - 1,000 other maps and we work on them to make them available. Currently some of them are available via Mapster: the 1:100,000 German Grossblatt maps and :300,000 German maps of Central and Eastern Europe. There will be many more maps to follow, but they take time to process, so please be patient.

Last, but not least, we are involved in discussions with two university libraries in Poland with a view to scan their map collections, which are both extensive and interesting. This is going to be a long-term process, but we can say that it looks... very promising.

16.07.2010 - site navigation changes
You may notice we have removed three items at the bottom of the navigation menu at left, labeled "Submit Link", "Submit News", and "Submit Article". We realized that these three are very rarely used, and their functions are not particularly helpful. If you have a link, or news, article or anything else to put on the site, please contact us directly at the email address shown here.
14.07.2010 - update
We have added a sub-page on Russian and Soviet maps (link on the left-hand side). There are about 130 various maps spanning about 100 years. We do not expect to expand this collection soon, unless we come across more maps, which is very unlikely. In the meantime, enjoy what is there, the maps are certainly interesting.
26 May 2010 - news
Over sixty new sheets of Karte des westlichen Russlands have been added. Please note that we split the German maps into two sub-sections, "by 1919" and "1919 - 1945". It is not a 100% clear cut, as some KdwR maps were printed in Lithuania and Poland, by 1921, but they still sit with the rest of KdwR maps, in the "- 1919" folder. Likewise, German 1:200,000 maps date back to 19th century and then, early 1900s - and they continued until end of WW2. For convenience they were all put in the "1919 - 1945" sub-page. We will have the same problem when, at some point, we will provide more sheets of the "small" German Generalstabkarte, also known as "Karte des Deutschen Reiches", which was begun well before WW1 and continued until 1945. For now, the sheets adjoining KdwR sheets will stay in the "-1919" folder

A few other maps have also been added - WIG 100K, one or two German 300K sheets, some more are to follow by the end of summer.
PLEASE NOTE: unfortunately KdwR maps come with a watermark, as one well-known Polish auction site decided to ignore our repeated requests to remove auctions where people sold the scans we had made available here for free use only. What is it that some people can respect nothing in the world, other than their own profit?

Another batch of KdwR sheets should appear by end of July.
If all goes well, in the next few weeks, we will also show about 100 Russian and Soviet maps (approx. 1900 - 1945) in various scales. Later we will resume the (overdue!) town plans and Karten des westlichen Russlands.
We have a long line of maps to scan, this will be - hopefully - done in August. There are approx. 300 - 700 maps, to fill various gaps, particularly different editions of WIG 100K maps and a large number of German maps in 1:200,000 scale (both Reymannkarte and later, contoured map in the same scale from 1900 - 1945). Also, in the same scale, interesting and up-to-date German maps of the Mitteleuropa and the Balkans from 1940 - 1944 (strictly speaking, about 15 + sheets from south-easternmost "Kresy" of pre-WW2 Poland and from Romania), also quite a lot of 1:100,000 maps of Poland by American AMS and British GSGS and about 40 - 60 sheets of German 300K Osteuropa from the Soviet Union. Plus a medley of other maps which we will try to squeeze in the limited time we will have.

There are lot of publications we have got hold of, as well as information on WIG 1:25,000 maps held in various libraries. Unfortunately we don't have time to process it all, but we are working on a list of 1:25,000 maps and we will make it available as soon as it isn't embarrassing to show it in public. There are good reasons to make such a list, first to get an updated information on what WIG did publish in that scale by September 1939, second, to give people searching for a particular sheet some information if "their" sheet is available, and at which library (which does NOT mean you will ever get this or that library's permission to scan them, but still, you'll know where to start) and third, we still DO want to scan all those sheets after all. If not in the anally-staffed library A, then in library D, or wherever the librarians don't behave as if we wanted to rip their precious collection to pieces, which is clearly what normal people usually do when they visit a library.


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04/30/2024 17:10
I have tried to update my email - hope it works

04/30/2024 17:02
Any reason I can't get the Polish maps 1:100,000 for Miory, Dryswiaty etc? I get the 404 error instead. Frown

08/02/2023 00:50
Glad to see you back, Marek!

08/25/2022 15:09
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error) If you think what you'r

01/22/2022 22:50
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola

03/21/2020 14:55
What's up, Marek? What are you working on? Hope all is OK.

01/26/2019 14:42
Hi: Are there any other maps showing parishes such as: Andrzej Tomczak Siec parafialna Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego W drugiej polowie xvi wieku Skala 1:300. Thanks

12/04/2017 15:22
peut-on obtenir la carte détaillée de la frontière Est suite au traité de Brest-litovsk ? merci d'avance

09/10/2017 04:54
Can I get some guidance on the projection that WIG cartographers used on the 1 to 100,000 maps?

04/02/2017 23:15