07/27/2024 03:47
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07 April 2007

1. Four 100K sheets have been added: "Mosty" and "Wiazanowiec" are earlier editions (mid 1920s) of the sheets we have already got. "Brzesc" is a WW2-time German colour version of a 1930 Polish edition, "Vranow" is a sheet "For internal use only" from Czechoslovakia. All of them are high-res images (approx 15 - 20 Mb), but imperfect (A4-scanned, then stitched). We will replace them with better ones when we have them re-scanned on a large format scanner (approx June). The files added have been marked with bold dark red font.
2. We have received 21 sheets "Wylacznie do uzytku sluzbowego" (for internal use only, in other words "confidential"), showing areas east of the pre-ww2 eastern border of Poland (i.e. territory of the Soviet Union). They are very rare and thus interesting sheets, temporarily only in low-resolution (approx 2Mb each file). We do hope to have them re-scanned (at 600 dpi) and put up on the site within the next month. The files added have been marked in bold, dark blue font.
3. "Other maps". It looks like finally all links to the files work. In the next few days we will add another couple of files; the list is growing and perhaps becomes a bit too confusing, we will try to organize the "other maps" by their origin or function.
11 March 2007
Solution discussed in the previous message (jpg optim.zip) can be downloaded HERE
Instructions inside.
The information relates ONLY to the WIG maps in 1:100 000 scale:
If you need to download a large number of those maps (or all of them) we would appreciate if you could put it on hold for the next 24 hrs. It will take us that long to modify the existing jpg scans to make them open quicker (they're too memory-intensive, which most users have probably noticed, to say the least). If you need to download any of those files within the next 24 hrs and if the download fails, please try again in the next few minutes (approx 10 min).
Information for people who have already downloaded some or all 1:100 000 WIG maps: in the next 48 hrs we will provide a small zipped batch converter (plus instructions) on how to turn the jpgs files you already have got (progressive jpg) into a "normal" jpg. The resulting files will be about 10% larger, BUT less processor and memory intensive, in other words, they will open quicker.
We would like to apologize for this problem and we do hope the result will be satisfactory to all the people who have struggled with the last 3 batches of WIG maps posted since 24 December 2006.
We are very grateful to Jacek, who runs a friendly www.mapy.amzp.pl site for pointing out the problem and supplying the solution.
22 February 2007
The last bulk pack (112 sheets) of 100K WIG tactical maps is available now, temporarily on a separate page, HERE. The rest of the 100K maps  in their regular  folder. As usual, we would be grateful for any comments on broken file links, mis-labeled sheets, poor quality, etc.
Since we now have almost complete coverage of the 100K sheets  ( we are approximately 12 short),  we will focus on: providing more user-friendly map access, completing  the 300K coverage and getting more 25K maps.
22 January 2007
We have added over 100 sheet in 100K scale (the usual folder). Plus several new maps and city plans, temporarily only via Polish-language page "Inne mapy":
24 January 2007: update:
"Other maps" link has been added to the panel on the left (below "Index sheets" link). You can also go straight from here.
As promised, we have added new sheets (229) to the 1: 100 000 map section. It is almost a complete coverage of "Kresy", east of the present-day border of Poland (a few files will be added after New Year). Approximate size is 15Mb per file.
A request: with so many files, traffic generated is going to be high (hosting limitations!). We are pretty confident we will remain within our monthly quota, but we would like to ask you to download the files and view them on your computer later, rather than click on individual files and wait until the image shows on the screen (very unlikely to happen with older computers, as the files are 600 dpi). Every time you view a map this way - you are downloading, and it counts towards the quota. Bottom line is that you might be blocking access to the file for someone who hasn't downloaded yet and we want to distribute them as widely as possible.
This is a temporary request, just to survive a (potential) rush for the files. We will try to provide alternative download sources in the next few days and weeks. If you can not access a particular file and you are absolutely desperate to have it, please email us, there are ways to transfer individual sheets.
p.s. we have had reports from users struggling to open new files (large size, large resolution). Soon I will provide brief instructions in our forum on how to downsample and reduce size of the files.
1. We are still here, somewhat snowed under in the pre-Christmas madness. A forum has been opened, as the shoutbox is clearly too restrictive. Website soft (php fusion) default settings enforced a dual forum, for both Polish and English speakers (see the flag?). Obviously you're more likely to get a reply in English if you ask your question in the English-language forum, but this is NOT an absolute restriction. You can use any language in either forum, just bear in mind you might not get much feedback if you're the only German or Russian speaking site user, for example.
2. We will be adding a lot of new maps in the next few days, approximately by 24 December.


Over 100 new scans in 1: 25 000 scale courtesy of “Archiwalne Mapy Pomorza Gdanskiego”. For the German counterparts (Messtischblatt), please see the link in the Maps 1: 25 000 folder.
1. We have received 7 new maps in 1: 25 000 scale from Wileńszczyzna (pre-war north-east of the country). They come from the 1920s and are somewhat unusual (in colour).

2. We have added a few German large-format (Grossblatt) copies of 1: 100 000  WIG maps, two of the three sheets added (Mińsk i Samochwałowicze) show the area east of the pre-war Poland.

Please note these sheets have been scanned bit by bit, as they are fairly large, and then joined together, so the results are far from perfect. We decided to make them available  nevertheless, as they show interesting areas.  In a few months' time we will replace them with proper scans from a large format scanner.
We have received permission from the owners of the The Museum of Family History website to publish over 30 WIG 100K map files. Since they were originally scanned on a flatbed A4 scanner and then joined together they are, at times, imperfect. However they present interesting areas of east and north-eastern pre-WW2 Poland. One of the sheets is the original (Grodno Zach) copy (until now we have only had a black-and-white war-time German copy.
The maps, marked in red, can be downloaded or viewed in the Maps 1:100 000 folder.

1. Several 25K map scans (courtesy of  Archiwalne Mapy Pomorza Gdanskiego) have been added. They show mainly various parts  of Kaszuby (what was known before the war as "the Polish corridor", west of Gdansk / Danzig). The files can be downloaded from the Maps 1: 25 000 folder

2. Two 100K sheets have been added (click on the files to open/download)

3. A new Literature section has been added. Most books are of limited use if you don't read Polish, but some files are useful nevertheless.

4. If you have ANY questions, comments, problems, please either use the shoutbox on the right (if you are a registered user) or email us.
    Please  include a word WIG anywhere in the subject of your message so that we can filter out spam.



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04/30/2024 17:10
I have tried to update my email - hope it works

04/30/2024 17:02
Any reason I can't get the Polish maps 1:100,000 for Miory, Dryswiaty etc? I get the 404 error instead. Frown

08/02/2023 00:50
Glad to see you back, Marek!

08/25/2022 15:09
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error) If you think what you'r

01/22/2022 22:50
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola

03/21/2020 14:55
What's up, Marek? What are you working on? Hope all is OK.

01/26/2019 14:42
Hi: Are there any other maps showing parishes such as: Andrzej Tomczak Siec parafialna Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego W drugiej polowie xvi wieku Skala 1:300. Thanks

12/04/2017 15:22
peut-on obtenir la carte détaillée de la frontière Est suite au traité de Brest-litovsk ? merci d'avance

09/10/2017 04:54
Can I get some guidance on the projection that WIG cartographers used on the 1 to 100,000 maps?

04/02/2017 23:15