Last check: 02/15/2025 Slap count: 4 Last checked ID: 16777215
8th July 2022 - map and literature update
From the collection of the University of Berkeley, a few hundred
German & Austrian 1:75,000 maps which cover the area of Czechia and Austria,
Hungary and Slovakia,
and severa original Czech sheets.
Unfortunately, all maps were scanned at 300 dpi, so this is the only
resolution available.
A surprise from Mr Brendon Whyte, National Library of Australia,
who shared 2 maps of Russia. The first is one we already have from
previous editions, this one, however, Jan. 1944, showd the amin borders
of the Reichskommissariat
Ostland i Reichskommissariat Ukraine. Another map, from
1970s' Soviet Union, to is a wall map of Old
Rus State; it relates to the debate on the margins of
current Russian war against Ukraine, about who was who ruled whom, and
when, etc.
As always, in the process of year-long spring-cleaning, we
managed to consolidate, to some degree, various small-scale German maps
of WW2. Ultimately, all irregular and joint
editions of 'Ãœbersichtskarte' and 'Operationskarten', 1:1 mln scale,
ended up in one list. We will not create an index sheet
though. The maps were compiled for various military compaigns, so
individual sheets overlap significantly. Some of those irregular
editions are mentioned in the original index sheets which are available
below the map list.
On the subject of index sheets, we have added another few dozen
of original German index sheets, they can be found below individual map
And finally... courtesy of a person who wished to remain
anonymous, we managed to scan unique brochurers called'Kartenbriefe',
issue 20 - 29, with an overview of developments and progres in German
war-time military cartography. Some brochures are short of index
sheets, as they were re-used by US and British post-WW2 military
cartography services and libraries. Fortunately, we managed to link a
few loose index sheets in those brochures to one of the last of them,
i.e. Kartenbriefe Nr 31. So, for a completed package, we miss only the
first few isues of Kartenbriefe. By the way, here's the shortcut to the pdf
files. And, a marginal note on Kartenbriefe: the issue of
April 1943 included samples of a German 1:25,000 experimental
photo-map (Bildplankarte) from the area north of Kyiv, Sample 1,
Sample 2.
A few other
sheets of this photo-maps are available on this list under the name of 'Bildplankarte'
Hey, Marek! Trying to access maps at your page "Other Central European Maps, via both Chrome and Opera browsers, I get the dialog box "File not found (404 error)
If you think what you'r
Hello: I do Polish Genealogy. I need a topo map of Poland with major cities which I’ve never been able to find on the WEB. It should show post partition Poland with an out line of pre-partition Pola
Are there any other maps showing parishes such as:
Andrzej Tomczak
Siec parafialna
Wojewoddztwa pomorskiego
Okregu bytowskiego I leborskiego
W drugiej polowie xvi wieku
Skala 1:300.